BOOKS - HISTORY - Петроград на переломе эпох. Город и его жители в годы революции и Г...
Петроград на переломе эпох. Город и его жители в годы революции и Гражданской войны - Рупасов А. (ред.) 2013 DJVU М. Центрполиграф BOOKS HISTORY
USDt 9.54


Петроград на переломе эпох. Город и его жители в годы революции и Гражданской войны
Author: Рупасов А. (ред.)
Year: 2013
Format: DJVU
File size: 19.9 MB

This book of essays on the history of Petrograd during the Civil War, not burning paint, shows the difficulties and shadow sides of life, not neglecting the positive that is already reflected in historical literature, but also not avoiding the difficult and gloomy phenomena of everyday life and everyday hardships of citizens who happened to live for several years at the turn of eras. The old pre-revolutionary order with its already familiar foundations of life was replaced by a sharp jump to an unknown future, which became a difficult test for the former capital of the Russian Empire. The study of the history of Petrograd during the Civil War to this day is still far from complete. The authors' idea is to tell readers as truthfully as possible about the life of the city and its inhabitants at a difficult stage of change.

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