BOOKS - CULTURE AND ARTS - Русский орнамент
Русский орнамент - Симаков Н. 1882 PDF общества поощрения художников. С. Петербург BOOKS CULTURE AND ARTS
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Русский орнамент
Author: Симаков Н.
Year: 1882
Format: PDF
File size: 16.1 MB
Language: RU

Russian ornament in old fabric samples, enamel, wood and bone carving, defense, minting and foundry. Performed by N. Simakov. Simakov (Nikolai Evstafievich, died in 1886) - draftsman, brought up at the Academy of Arts and at first was engaged in watercolor portraiture, for which in 1860 he received the title of free artist, then served for several years in the Imperial Society for the Promotion of Arts as his assistant secretary, headed the drawing school for children at the Peterhof lapidary factory and shortly before his death was appointed director of this factory. The book does not contain text - it consists only of illustrative material.

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