BOOKS - EQUIPMENT - Ориентирование деталей электромагнитным полем...
Ориентирование деталей электромагнитным полем - Б.А. Иоффе, Р.К. Калнинь 1972 DJVU Зинатне BOOKS EQUIPMENT
US $8.80

Ориентирование деталей электромагнитным полем
Author: Б.А. Иоффе, Р.К. Калнинь
Year: 1972
Number of pages: 300
Format: DJVU
File size: 58,42 MB
Language: RU

The monograph presents the results of a study of the force interaction of conductive and dielectric bodies with an electromagnetic field. Methods and devices are described that allow non-contact orientation of a large variety of typical parts of devices and machines both by external and internal hidden features.

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