BOOKS - HUMANITIES - Мир человека как субъекта производства Критика К. Марксом концеп...
Мир человека как субъекта производства Критика К. Марксом концепции человека в буржуазной политической экономии - Агг Аттила 1984 PDF | DJVU Прогресс BOOKS HUMANITIES
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Мир человека как субъекта производства Критика К. Марксом концепции человека в буржуазной политической экономии
Author: Агг Аттила
Year: 1984
Format: PDF | DJVU
File size: 19.0 MB
Language: RU

Marxism does not cease to attract the attention of modern researchers, for even today the teachings of K. Marx continue to directly affect the solution of many pressing problems posed by the modern development of society. The monograph of the Hungarian philosopher Attila Agg, proposed to the attention of Soviet readers, is a study of the philosophical doctrine of K. Marx about man and the cardinal problems of Marxist philosophy associated with him - one of the central, but nevertheless poorly covered problems in Marxist philosophical literature. The focus of the study of this book is the opposition of Marx's concept of man to bourgeois concepts. And it is from this angle that the philosophical content of the Economic Manuscripts of 1861-1863 is considered.

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