BOOKS - NATURAL SCIENCES - Большой практикум по зоологии безпозвоночных, в 3-х частях...
Большой практикум по зоологии безпозвоночных, в 3-х частях - А. В. Иванов, Ю. И. Полянский, А. А. Стрелков 1981, 1983,1985 DJVU Высшая школа BOOKS NATURAL SCIENCES
USDt 7.94


Большой практикум по зоологии безпозвоночных, в 3-х частях
Author: А. В. Иванов, Ю. И. Полянский, А. А. Стрелков
Year: 1981, 1983,1985
Format: DJVU
File size: 38,1 MB
Language: RU

The book is the third edition of the textbook for the specialized student laboratory workshop on invertebrate zoology, produced in three parts. The main task of the manual is to teach students, future zoologists, to work with the material on their own, to master the basic methods of zoological research.

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