BOOKS - TECHNICAL SCIENCES - Волоконно-оптическая техника Практическое руководство...
Волоконно-оптическая техника Практическое руководство - уканов В.Н., Яковлев М.Я. 2014 DJVU Инфра-Инженерия BOOKS TECHNICAL SCIENCES
USDt 8.71


Волоконно-оптическая техника Практическое руководство
Author: уканов В.Н., Яковлев М.Я.
Year: 2014
Format: DJVU
File size: 15 MB
Language: RU

Domestic fiber-optic component base designed for harsh operating conditions is considered. The main technical characteristics are given, as well as methods for measuring them, optical fibers, fiber-optic cables, optical connectors, couplers, splitters, switches, passive and active fiber-optic delay lines, discrete transmitting and receiving optoelectronic modules, optical transceivers and repeaters. Disclosed are methods of monitoring reliability parameters of fibre-optic components taking into account their fundamental differences from electronic components.

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