BOOKS - HISTORY - История «украинского» сепаратизма
История «украинского» сепаратизма - С.Н. Щеголев 2004 PDF Имперская традиция BOOKS HISTORY
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История «украинского» сепаратизма
Author: С.Н. Щеголев
Year: 2004
Format: PDF
File size: 66.2 MB
Language: RU

Very little information has been preserved about the author of this book. It is only known that Sergei Nikiforovich Shchegolev, a doctor by training, was actively engaged in political journalism. He was the largest researcher of "Ukrainian" separatism and the author of two capital studies devoted to this problem: "The Ukrainian movement as a modern stage of South Russian separatism" (Kyiv, 1912) and "Modern Ukraine. Its origin, growth and tasks" (Kyiv, 1914). In 1919, for his Russian convictions, he was shot along with a group of Russian patriots.

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