BOOKS - Своя рассада. Залог качества и объема будущего урожая...
Своя рассада. Залог качества и объема будущего урожая - Галина Кизима 2024 PDF | EPUB АСТ BOOKS
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Своя рассада. Залог качества и объема будущего урожая
Author: Галина Кизима
Year: 2024
Format: PDF | EPUB
File size: 10 Мб
Language: RU

Growing seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and other vegetables on your own is more reliable and cheaper than buying ready-made ones. Its high-quality seedlings are the key to a rich harvest, but for this you need to pay attention to the growing conditions. Galina Kizima, a well-known gardener with half a century of experience, has developed her own, affordable and low-cost, way to obtain healthy and viable seedlings of various garden crops. She will share with you the signature growing method and secrets of how to care for plants after planting in the ground so that you can get a guaranteed harvest, despite the capricious weather. Galina Kizima's tips for guaranteeing the fertility and quality of your plants will help both beginners and experienced gardeners.