BOOKS - Мозг и психика. Теория системного подхода в психологии...
Мозг и психика. Теория системного подхода в психологии - Пешкова В. Е. 2019 - 4-е изд. PDF OCR ДиректМедиа BOOKS
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Мозг и психика. Теория системного подхода в психологии
Author: Пешкова В. Е.
Year: 2019 - 4-е изд.
Format: PDF OCR
File size: 18 мб
Language: RU

The monograph for the first time presents the theory of a systemic approach in psychology; developed the foundations of the theory of system analysis; the theoretical model of the psyche as a system is justified; a systemic research technology is proposed with the identification of "units" of mental analysis based on the characteristics of the "brain - psyche "relationship. The systemic solution of the psychological problem leads to the unification of the branches of psychological knowledge and forms a new direction of research - systemic psychology.

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