BOOKS - Еланский плацдарм. Нулевой километр дороги на Берлин (Военная документалистик...
Еланский плацдарм. Нулевой километр дороги на Берлин (Военная документалистика) - Говоровский В. 2018 PDF Альтаир BOOKS
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Еланский плацдарм. Нулевой километр дороги на Берлин (Военная документалистика)
Author: Говоровский В.
Year: 2018
Format: PDF
File size: 80 мб
Language: RU

From the author: "Not everyone knows that it was from the Veshensky land that a radical turning point began in the Great Patriotic War, and throughout the Second World War. From the Elansky bridgehead, located on the territory of the Sholokhovsky district of the Rostov region and Serafimovichsky Volgograd, the troops of the Southwestern Front launched their great offensive, which led to the defeat of the Nazis in the Battle of Stalingrad. The front strike group was concentrated on it - 5 tank army (1 and 26 tank corps, 8 cavalry corps, attached units. These are 103,627 servicemen, 378 tanks, more than 1,500 guns and mortars). It was from here, on November 19, 1942 at 8.50 in the morning after 1 hours 20 minutes of artillery preparation that the troops went on the offensive and already at the 16.00 23 of November parts of the 26 tank corps in the Kalach area, Sovetsky connected with parts of the 4 mechanized corps, surrounding the Nazis near Stalingrad.