BOOKS - Луна. История, люди, техника История изучения естественного спутника Земли...
Луна. История, люди, техника История изучения естественного спутника Земли - Павел Шубин 2019 PDF АСТ BOOKS
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Луна. История, люди, техника История изучения естественного спутника Земли
Author: Павел Шубин
Year: 2019
Format: PDF
File size: 236 мб
Language: RU

For several decades, a lot has been written about the history of the study of the Moon, about interplanetary stations and launch vehicles, about the "lunar race," about a variety of projects and achievements. However, the book "Moon. History, people, technology" can rightfully be considered the most complete, most detailed and chronologically ordered publication, including never-before-seen material as well as reports, documents and photographs that were held yesterday under the heading "Secret." At what pace was humanity moving towards its heavenly neighbor, what stages, difficulties and discoveries were on this path, Pavel Shubin, a mathematician, tells readers author of popular science books and articles on the history of space exploration, a specialist in interplanetary stations and scientific devices. The first volume covers history from 1953 to 1965.

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