BOOKS - RELIGION - Жития и подвиги святых Киево-Печерской Лавры с приложением акафист...
Жития и подвиги святых Киево-Печерской Лавры с приложением акафистов - Коллектив 2005 PDF Свято-Елисаветинский монастырь. Минск BOOKS RELIGION
US $7.55

Жития и подвиги святых Киево-Печерской Лавры с приложением акафистов
Author: Коллектив
Year: 2005
Number of pages: 496
Format: PDF
File size: 22,5 MB
Language: RU

"Lives and Exploits of the Saints of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra" - a collection of stories about the life of the monks of the oldest monastery in Russia, founded in 1051. The book developed gradually and went down in history as the Kyiv Pechersk Paterik. Since its inception, the Kyiv-Pechersk paterik has been reprinted many times and over the centuries has found its reader with constant success. The reason for this is the interest in the life of ascetics and saints, whose relics are still imperceptibly in the caves of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra. This edition of the St. Elisabeth Monastery includes lives, troparia and kondaks to the saints of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra, as well as akathists to some of them.

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