BOOKS - Годен до. Распаковка секретов молодости, которые отучат тело стареть...
Годен до. Распаковка секретов молодости, которые отучат тело стареть - Йаэль Адлер Язык Русский Все хотят дожить до старости, но никто не хочет стареть…Так как максимально долго остав PDF | FB2 Эксмо BOOKS
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Годен до. Распаковка секретов молодости, которые отучат тело стареть
Author: Йаэль Адлер
Year: Язык Русский Все хотят дожить до старости, но никто не хочет стареть…Так как максимально долго остав
Format: PDF | FB2
File size: 29 Мб
Language: RU

Everyone wants to live to old age, but no one wants to grow old... So how to stay young and healthy for as long as possible? The answer to this question is known to the expert on combating age-related changes and bestselling author Yael Adler. In this book, the famous doctor not only collected all the knowledge about the body changing with age, but also shared practical life hacks for everyday life. "Good to" - a book that guarantees the preservation of freshness!" We cannot stop biological processes, but it is in our power to influence them. You only need to resist what we can control, but we can control a lot!" - assures Yael Adler, MD. Facts from the book that will surprise you: - in science, the aging process is sometimes called "decrepit"; - about 100,000 cells die in the brain every day;

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