BOOKS - Памятники культуры древних тюрок в Южной Сибири и Центральной Азии...
Памятники культуры древних тюрок в Южной Сибири и Центральной Азии - Молодин В.И. (ред.) 1999 PDF Новосибирск Новосибирский университет BOOKS
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Памятники культуры древних тюрок в Южной Сибири и Центральной Азии
Author: Молодин В.И. (ред.)
Year: 1999
Format: PDF
File size: 29 mb
Language: RU

The collection contains articles devoted to the analysis and introduction into scientific circulation of materials from excavations of funerary and memorial monuments of ancient Turks from the territory of Sayano-Altai, Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan. The articles analyze the history of the study of monuments of ancient Turkic culture in southern Siberia. The problems of chronology and periodization of ancient Turkic monuments, cultural ties of the ancient Turks with other ethnic groups of Central Asia are considered. Various types of monuments of ancient Turkic culture are investigated: burials with a horse, memorial fences, sculptures, object complexes. Discussion issues of studying the culture of the ancient Turks are analyzed. The collection is designed for archaeologists, ethnographers, Turkologists.

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