BOOKS - The Master Cat. Кіт у чоботях
The Master Cat. Кіт у чоботях - Оксана Євчук, Ірина Доценко 2011 RAR PDF  BOOKS
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The Master Cat. Кіт у чоботях
Author: Оксана Євчук, Ірина Доценко
Year: 2011
Format: RAR PDF
File size: 8,24 мб
Language: англ./укр.

Serіya "Nashі the ulyublenі of the Cossack" is intended for the development of the bulk of reading and govorіnnya anglіyskoyu. The text of a kazka "K_t at chobotyakh" adaptovano for a pozaklasny chitannya of an uchnyama 5-6 klas_v zagalnoosv_tn_kh navchalny zaklad_v that 4-5 klas_v spets_al_zovany shk_l, l_tse§v that g_mnaz_y. To kozhno ї stor_nka that a mustache і є ї kazk rozrobleno zavdannya, spryamovan_ on a rozvitok leksichny, gramatichny that movlenn¾vy the beginner volod_nnya mova. Chudovі іlyustratsії add more beauty to the zrozumіti zmіst of the Cossack, to perceive the development of creative zdіbnostey dіtey. Posіbnik mіstit an English ukraїnsky dictionary. For uchnіv, vchitelіv, batkіv.

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