MAGAZINES - Сад. Город. Насіння
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Сад. Город. Насіння
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In the new nomerі of the magazine "Garden. City. Nasіnnya" read: - "SAD": sadovі turbot - why not bear fruit apricots?; berries podrіbnіshali; catching up with raspberries; Іrzha Roslin: overcome; doglyad for p_von_yam that _nsh. *-"CITY": viznacha¾mo mekhan_chny warehouse to a _runt; please with viroshuvannya polunitsі, "khrіn on the gorodі: fight chi nі?"; malenkі khitroshchі for a good ogіrkіv; svіzha greens to the table; stolovі the root is skinny * - "NASІNNYa": coups nasіnnєvogo brown-haired; transplantation of rosady in the ґrunt; cyclamens z nasіnnya *

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