BOOKS - Ігрова йога
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Ігрова йога
Author: Лорена Паджалунґа
Year: 2018
Format: PDF
File size: 53,89 Мб
Language: UA
Year: 2018
Format: PDF
File size: 53,89 Мб
Language: UA
Get hungry svoїm day with yoga! The book dopomagaє the animals of the Uvagu on one with naydavnіshikh Mystets, the roots for the grown-up, і for the dіtey. Shcho to a mozha quarrystone krashchy, n_zh zmalka navchitisya keruvat svo§m t_ly, prislukhatisya і rozum_t of the yogi? Yak read Ditina Buchi Zerzhezzhaya і respectful? Aje vsі malyuki takі fidget... Tse easily zrobit for an additional yoga іgrovoї. Zalyubka diooze to a zobrazhuvatima kitsyu, a delf_nchik chi nav_t to saran y nepom_tno for to an opan є nayprost_sh і, Alya tak_ vazhliv_ for a rozvitka to an asana. In pіdsumku, I will put an old malyuk to a miracle, become naughty, and also call strength to the spirit that vitrivalіst.