BOOKS - Хлеб. Большой учебник. Готовьте, как профессиональный пекарь...
Хлеб. Большой учебник. Готовьте, как профессиональный пекарь - Родольф Ландемен 2024 PDF Эксмо BOOKS
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Хлеб. Большой учебник. Готовьте, как профессиональный пекарь
Author: Родольф Ландемен
Year: 2024
Format: PDF
File size: 51 Мб
Language: RU

Making bread at home is a responsible business. To make it really tasty - soft, fragrant, with a crispy crust - you need to know the subtleties of baking, which are actually not so many. This illustrated textbook about them is about subtleties. He will tell you about the basics of baking: products, fermentation, types of dough. He will show you in theory and practice how to cook the main bread products: baguette, sourdough bread, bread with additives, bread in vegetable oil and milk. It will enter you into the system of terms and tools. And all this in steps, with diagrams and photographs of finished products. Follow the recommendations and become a professional baker!

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