BOOKS - Испания. Национальная кухня. Путеводитель + мини-разговорник...
Испания. Национальная кухня. Путеводитель + мини-разговорник - Пепита Арис 2011 PDF Аякс-Пресс BOOKS
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Испания. Национальная кухня. Путеводитель + мини-разговорник
Author: Пепита Арис
Year: 2011
Format: PDF
File size: 13 mb
Language: RU

What is Spain and its national cuisine? A trip to another country is also a delight in the new cuisine. Do you want to get acquainted with the classic dishes of Spain in all their diversity or try the experimental dishes of young chefs? This guide will decipher any menu and answer questions about shopping. You'll discover a treasure trove of Spanish culinary art made famous beyond paellas.

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