BOOKS - La verdad: (Truth) (Spanish Soundings) (Spanish Edition)
La verdad: (Truth) (Spanish Soundings) (Spanish Edition) - Tanya Lloyd Kyi March 1, 2008 PDF  BOOKS
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La verdad: (Truth) (Spanish Soundings) (Spanish Edition)
Author: Tanya Lloyd Kyi
Year: March 1, 2008
Format: PDF
File size: PDF 724 KB

Cuando un vecino adulto es brutalmente asesinado durante una fiesta de la preparatoria, todos en la escuela parecen saber quien lo hizo, pero nadie habla con la policia. Jen estuvo ahi, vio el cuerpo y tiene sus propias ideas sobre el posible culpable. Como es la reportera del programa de TV escolar, decide descubrir la verdad y averiguar si un estudiante que cada vez se comporta de forma mas violenta podria ser el responsable. Cuando Jen y sus companeros excavan demasiado profundo, la violencia se desencadena en la pequena comunidad. Finalmente Jen tendra que ponerse firme, y puede ser que le cueste mucho mas de lo que se imagina.When an adult neighbor is brutally murdered during a high-school house party, everyone in school seems to have an idea who did it, but no one will go to the police. Jen was there and saw the body and she has her own ideas about who is responsible. As a reporter for the school TV show, she decides to try and uncover the truth and discover if a classmate's increasingly violent behavior is to blame. When she and others begin digging too deeply, violence flares in the small community. Finally, Jen is forced to take a stand, one that may cost her more than she could imagine.

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